Chelsea + Sean // Hood River, Oregon // Hood Crest Winery

A few weeks ago our good friends Chelsea and Sean were in town visiting from Arizona. In order to adequately get their Pacific Northwest fix we went for a day of wine tasting in Hood River at Hood Crest Winery.  Chelsea didn’t know it yet but she would be getting engaged in just a few short weeks. Sean let us in on the secret so we convinced Chelsea to do a quick shoot with us right outside the winery just for fun. So I suppose technically you could call these pre-engagement photos. We walked right across the street and did this super fun shoot in about 20 minutes. We love it so much 1.) because of these awesome humans, and 2.) because it goes to show that you don’t need to have an epic location or spend a crazy amount of time to have a great photo session. Don’t get us wrong, we love those big epic shots as much as the next guy but what we’re really passionate about is capturing people. That’s why we love this job. When we look at these photos we can’t help but smile because they really reflect these two; how fun they are and how much they love each other. Congrats to our friends, we’re so excited for you!

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